Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peswari Nan


3 cups maida
1 cup lukewarm milk
1 1/2 tsp Instant yeast
1 tsp sugar
salt to taste
1 cup of mixture of (nuts ,raisins ,pistachios, dessicated/dried coconut)


1.In a large bowl add all the ingredients except the stuffing together.
2.Make a smooth dough using lukewarm milk.
3.Cover it keep it aside till it double the size.
4.Grind the nut mix into a fine powder.
5.Knead the dough again and with some flour , roll it out into a small circle and put the stuffing inside.Bring all the edges together and make a boll.Roll it again into a nan shape .
6.Place the pan on top of the stove and when it get hot put the nan and cook both sides.
7.When it gets cooked brush it with some butter or ghee and Garnish with raisins and dessicated coconut.

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