Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stuffed Mushroom

Mushroom - 10
Onion - 1 medium
Garlic - 4-5 pods
Capsicum - 1/2
Mushroom - 5
Carrot - 2
Brinjal - 1/3 cup
Chilly sauce - 1 tbsp
Soy sauce - 1 tsp
Tomato sauce - 1/2 tbsp
Salt - as required
Pepper - 1tsp
Italian seasoning - 1 tsp
Oil - 3 tbsp
Mozzarella cheese - as required

1.Preheat oven in 375-400 F
2.Chop all vegitables .You can use any kind of leftover veggies.Don't use potato.
3.In a pan add oil and saute onion and garlic.when the raw smell goes add all the vegitables and
  saute it again and let it cook.
4.When the vegitables get cooked add all the sauces along with seasoning,pepper and salt.
5.Saute all together and switch off the flame.
6.Wash mushrooms and remove the stem.
7.Fill mushroom with the filling
8.Place the mushrooms in  baking tray and put it on the top rack of the oven.Bake it for 20 minutes
9.Transfer it to a plate and add mozzarella on top of it and microwave it for 2 minutes or till the 
  cheese melts.
10.Serve hot .

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